Consultant Eligibility
Projects with a value up to HK$50 million
The EO will usually consider an application from a consultant who is already on an ArchSD List and might consider those who are not on ArchSD List if a company meets the related requirements for admission. New applicants will be vetted based on the information as requested in the application forms. This includes their company profiles, relevant job experience and overall suitability to work on HKU projects, etc. If considered acceptable, EO will recommend the applicant to the Tenders Board of the University. Once approved, the applicant will be included in Group 1 or Group 2 subject to the size and no. of professionals in the company. If an application is not approved, he/she will be advised accordingly. Our decision on the consultant application will be final.
A consultant on the Lists is required to submit updated company information upon request for reviewing their listing status annually. The consultant is expected to inform EO of any material changes or updates in their company particulars for technical and financial aspects that may affect their listing status.
Projects with a value over HK$50 million
These are generally classified as capital projects and the EO will usually follow ArchSD guidelines regarding the selection of consultants. If two-envelope tendering is adopted, a number of consultants will be invited to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) for shortlisting. Consultants who have been selected will then be invited to submit a formal technical and fee proposal. Technical proposals will be vetted based on guidelines in the tender document. Tender interviews will then normally be held for assessment on technical proposals. EO will make recommendation to the Tenders Board of the University.