Furniture & Signage
The University operates a centralized scheme for the issue of office furniture to all teaching and administrative units under different work streams including capital projects, AA&I, BAW, minor works, repair and maintenance works.
The operational procedures for furniture are outlined in the Departmental Financial Administration (DFA) published by the Finance and Enterprises Office, under DFA No. 8: Office and Departmental Furniture.
Generally, the procurement of furniture for project works will become an integral part of a project, under the management and coordination of the Project-in-Charge assigned.
For day-to-day maintenance and operations within the existing buildings, the Area Manager of the respective areas under the Maintenance and Operations Unit (MOU) will be responsible for the maintenance and replacement of building related fixtures, including co-ordination internally with the EO Procurement Unit to carry out the necessary works.
The University community is encouraged to re-use furniture in order to save resources and contribute to a more sustainable environment. Re-usable furniture are to be returned to the Estates Office for recycling by other users.
The EO Procurement Unit has an overall responsibility in the procurement and management of the supply and installation of standard signage and the management of term suppliers.