Further Information
Declaration of Interest
When submitting a fee bid, a consultant is required to declare whether any member of his/her family, relations and/or close friend is working in the University whereby his/her loyalty to the consultant may conflict with the interests of the University. Tenderers bidding in the name of companies will also need to disclose the names of all directors, and, if any of the directors is a company, the names of all directors of the holding company and make such declaration.
Requirement on Anti-collusion
A consultant shall not communicate to any person other than the University the amount of any fee bid, adjust the amount of any fee bid by arrangement with any other person, make any arrangement with any other persons about whether or not he/she or that other person should or should not submit a fee bid or otherwise collude with any other person in any manner whatsoever in the fee bidding process. Any breach of or non-compliance with this sub-clause by the consultant shall, without affecting the consultant’s liability for such breach of rules and laws or non-compliance, invalidate his/her fee bid.
The above paragraph will not apply to the consultant’s confidential communications with his/her own insurers or brokers to obtain an insurance quotation for computation of fee bid price and confidential communications with his/her sub-consultants to seek their assistance in preparing his/her fee bid submission.
The consultant must also submit to the University a duly signed letter, as set out in the contract documents, to the effect that he/she understands and will abide by these conditions. The letter shall be signed by a person authorized to sign the contract on the consultant’s behalf.
Prevention of Bribery
A consultant must note that the University is a public body as defined by the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap. 201) and as such it is an offence for any employee of the University to offer or accept any bribe or favour from any consultant.
Ethical Commitment
A consultant shall not, and shall procure that his/her employees, agents and sub-consultants shall not, offer, solicit or accept an advantage as defined in the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap. 201) in connection with the tendering and execution of any contract with the University.
Failure to so procure or any act of offering, soliciting or accepting advantage as mentioned above committed by a consultant or by his/her employee, agent shall, without affecting his/her liability for such failure and act, result in the tender being invalidated. The consultant shall be liable for any losses or damages which the University may thereby sustain.
Confirmation of Directorship
The EO will periodically request that its consultants confirm the status of its directors in order to ensure that individuals are not directors of more than one consulting company at any one time. Consultants are required to advise the EO of any change to this situation.
Continuous Compliance with Admission Requirements
From time to time, the particulars of a consultant included in the EO Lists may change and some changes can affect the listing status (e.g. removal from the ArchSD’s lists). All listed consultants are required to notify EO of any changes/updates on their particulars for both financial and technical aspects since their last submissions to our office.