Contractor Application
A contractor wishing to apply to for inclusion into an approved list must first complete the Contractor Application Form together with submitting the required documents. All applicants should read the "Notes on the Contractor Application Form" carefully before completing and submitting the form. New applications will be assessed biannually.
Technical Assessment
Contractors must fulfill the requirement as set out in the "Notes on the Contractor Application Form".
Financial Assessment
Contractors (CT-1 to 4) must attain the following minimum criteria in order to pass the financial assessment for List B:
- Paid-up share capital should be minimum HK$1,200,000
- Employed capital should be minimum HK$1,200,000
- Working capital > HK$1,200,000 or 15% of annualised outstanding works whichever is higher
- Profitability trend analysis - Average loss rate* < or = 30%
* The average profit/loss rate is defined as the weighted average of the net profit/loss as a percentage of the opening balance of the shareholders' funds or net worth over the past three years with weights of 3:2:1 (higher weight to be assigned to the more recent year).
Fitting-out Contractor (CT-6) must attain the following minimum criteria in order to pass the financial assessment:
List A: Average annual turnover of HK$30,000,000 for the past 3 years
List B: Average annual turnover of HK$15,000,000 for the past 3 years