Facility Management
The Estates Office is committed to make continuous improvement on organizational effectiveness, energy conservation through green housekeeping management, human resources management, utilization of information and knowledge management technology. Energy saving initiatives have been incorporated into the campus facility maintenance services, with the objectives to:
- Replace low efficiency plants,
- Improve low efficiency operations, and
- Adopt renewable energy and green practices.
Green practices have been adopted according to the latest requirements and technical circulars issued by the Development Bureau and relevant authorities. Under the Sustainability Management System, the following sustainability initiatives have been implemented:
Sustainability Management Plans
Environmentally sustainable management has been achieved by endorsing management plans and policies governing sustainable purchasing, green cleaning, recycling, reusing and waste management, sustainable pest management, indoor air quality best management practice, hardscape management, cooling tower water management and water efficiency management for specific buildings.
Energy Management
1. Integrated Resources Management (IRM)
- An Integrated Resources Management System has been set up to capture the energy and water data for the University. Relevant energy reports including CO2 footprint can be obtained from the IRM System when data is input. Trending, comparison and analysis can be carried out based on the generated reports for establishment of energy saving strategies.
- Further development being carried out is the installation of power meters and check meters to capture the energy consumption of individual systems automatically including HVAC, Lifts & Escalators, Lighting & Power and Plumbing & Drainage Systems for automatic energy data acquisition and monitoring.
2. Integrated Building Management System (iBMS)
- An Integrated Building Management System (IBMS) project is being carried out to centralize the existing BMS systems, with the intention to build a central control room to monitor various systems of the University. The installation of a centralized BMS system can allow an efficient and effective monitoring of all the systems on one platform and thus the manpower can be utilized effectively.
- In addition, the energy usage can be managed effectively through the system. Detailed energy log and trends can be produced for analysis so as to establish effective strategies for future “go-green” development.
Waste Management and Material Recycling / Reuse Policy
- The Estates Office is committed to material recycling including sourcing, recycling contractors and collection of recycling material such as used batteries, fluorescent tubes, metal, bottles and paper etc.
- As an initiative to utilize recycling materials, a food waste decomposer has been set up in the Centennial Campus to process food waste collected from miscellaneous catering outlets. The products from the machine have been used for fertilization purpose for campus landscaping works.
- Re-use of furniture during building alteration and renovation works is another area that has been promoted within the University community. Availability of reusable furniture is organized by the Estates Office for departmental selection so that used furniture can be fully utilized.
- To promote general waste awareness, a series of sustainability features at HKU have been produced for broadcast on U-vision and other channels. Waste management and food waste reduction campaigns have been organized from time to time with the joint effort from different stakeholders.