Project Control
The Estates Office is responsible for reporting to various committees regularly on the initiation, planning, control and implementation of different categories of projects.
Campus Development and Planning Committee
The Campus Development and Planning Committee (CDPC) is tasked to advise the Council on all matters relating to the physical development and planning of the University campuses including the acquisition and disposal of lands. It keeps under review the policies, standards and procedures in connection with the University’s strategic development and building works.
The CDPC oversees the preparation and updating of campus development plan for the University and monitors the progress in its implementation. It also assists the University in its negotiations with the Government and other statutory bodies, as well as relevant stakeholders in the local community, in connection with the physical development and planning of the University.
Project Group
A Project Group (PG) will be set up for each capital project to oversee the development of project brief and schedule of accommodation, to endorse the design and specifications, to monitor and control the scope, time and cost of the project.